TEACH:diabetes A Touchscreen Educational Kiosk
Diabetes Education
TEACH diabetes - Effectively Implement and Manage Your Diabetes Education Program
What is TEACH diabetes?
Features & Functionality of Teach Diabetes
Topics Addressed in Teach Diabetes
Subscription Plan of Teach Diabetes
Homepage of Teach Diabetes
Homepage of Teach Diabetes
Contact Information
Flipside Media, Inc. - (800)982-0473 - (412)492-9448 - Fax: (412)492-8750
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TEACH:diabetes Pilot Program
kiosk-2-image (7K)The TEACH:diabetes Pilot Program is designed to allow organizations to experience the full benefits of computer-assisted learning at a significantly discounted cost, and without any long-term commitments. Your patients will receive a robust and comprehensive introduction to diabetes self-management based on up-to-date American Diabetes Association guidelines. Your organization's educator will have full access to the educational and administrative features of TEACH, including the ability to manage users, track individual and group progress, profile student populations, create customized education sessions, schedule future educational sessions, and produce individual and population reports.

Please review the following details and requirements. If you feel that your organization is a candidate for enrollment in the Pilot Program, fill out and submit the application below. If you would like to send the application to use by U.S. mail or fax, print out the PDF application below and use the instructions provided.
Details and Requirements:
  • Kiosk hardware must be purchased from Flipside Media. Multiple hardware platforms are available to meet your needs.
  • Organizations that are selected for the pilot program are eligible for the discount subscription rate of $250/month. This is a 75% savings from regular subscription prices.
  • Pilot programs last three months and the organization is required to commit to the program for the full three months. After the conclusion of the pilot program, organizations can keep their hardware and enroll in the standard commercial program at a discounted rate.
  • Organizations must have available a computer/IT person who is capable of basic computer and printer maintenance (using the operating system and replacing printer toner cartridges).
  • An average minimum patient throughput of 50 sessions or 20 unique patients per month must be maintained for the duration of the pilot program. There is no maximum patient limit.
  • Satisfaction surveys will be conducted periodically by both patients and the educator(s).
  • De-identified summary and usage data generated during the course of the pilot program will be used for improvements and future development of the TEACH:diabetes system.

Click here to download the TEACH:diabetes Pilot Program Application
(Adobe Acrobat PDF - 113kb)

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Flipside Media, Inc.
TEACH:diabetes Pilot Program
1050 Saxonburg Blvd
Glenshaw, PA 15116

Fax: (412) 492-8750

TEACH:diabetes Pilot Program Online Application

Contact Name

Address 1
Address 2
City                                         State Zip
Please answer the following questions as accurately as possible.

1. Does your organization currently have a formal diabetes education program? Yes No
If your organization DOES currently have a formal diabetes education program, please skip to question 12. If it DOES NOT, please answer the following questions:

2. Is the program ADA certified?
Yes No

3. How many full-time educators does the program have? 
   What is their certification? (CDE, RN, Ph.D., etc.)

4. How many part-time educators does the program have? 
   What is their certification? (CDE, RN, Ph.D., etc.)

5. How many new diabetes diagnoses does your organization see in a month? 

6. How many new diabetes diagnoses receive formal (scheduled) self-management education for the first time during an average month? 

7. How many total (new and existing) diabetes patients receive formal (scheduled) self-management education in a month? 

8. What percentage of patients receive education individually, and what percentage receive education in a group setting? % indiv % group

9. How many patients do you envision using the TEACH:diabetes system in an average month? 

10. Does the diabetes program or your organization obtain any insurer reimbursement for self-management education?
Yes No

11. Does your organization provide any other patient education programs?
Yes No

   If you answered 'Yes', please list:
If your organization DOES NOT currently have a formal diabetes education program, please skip to question 15. If it DOES, please answer the following questions:

12. Does your organization currently provide any form of diabetes education?
Yes No

13. How many diabetes patients does your organization see in a month? 

14. How many patients do you envision using the TEACH:diabetes system in an average month? 

15. What materials does your education program currently use? (overheads, video tapes, computer software, etc.)

16. Please give a brief description of your organization and provide any additional information:

Please type the word "health" into this box:    

